About Providence, Divine Action and the Church

In this blog, Terry J. Wright posts thoughts and shares research on the Christian doctrine of providence. This doctrine testifies to God’s provision for all things through creation’s high priest, the man Christ Jesus. However, the precise meaning and manner of this provision is a perpetually open question, and this blog is a forum for discussion of the many issues relating to providence and the place of the Church within God’s action.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Random Thoughts (2)

[4] Empire-building is a bastardisation of humanity’s mandate to extend the garden of Eden across the whole world.

The following thoughts were inspired by the fourth symposium of the Temple Studies Group, which met on 6 November 2010:

[5] Is the serpent of Genesis 3:1 an embodiment of wisdom? If so, this would explain Eve’s apparent naivety in listening to the ophidian fiend.

[6] The reference to the King of Tyre notwithstanding, Ezekiel 28:12-19 appears to depict Adam (or humanity) as high priest in the garden of Eden and his fall. When Genesis 3:7 records Adam and Eve’s awareness of their nakedness, is it implied that they are naked because they have been stripped of their high priest garments?

[7] Targum Pseudo-Jonathan on Genesis 2:7 suggests that Adam was created from dust taken from the holy of holies (cf. Ex 20:24). Does this mean that Genesis 3:19 (‘until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; and to dust you shall return’) could refer to high priestly humanity’s eventual return to the paradisiac temple?

[8] Jesus’ parable of the two sons (Mt 21:28-31a) follows a questioning of his authority. Is there a reference here to Jesus as the obedient son, thus prefiguring his struggle in Gethsemane?

[9] The first Adam (1 Cor 15:45-46; Rom 5:12-21) is one type of humanity, the last Adam another type – eschatological and founded in Christ as the last Adam.

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